.tHE sIRIUS cYBERNETICS cORPORATIOn. .@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. .@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. .@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@ @@@ @@@ __@@@__________@_@______@@___________@@@___ _ ___________________ ___@@@ \ / _ ___ / / ____ ____ / /___| ___/__ | |___| | | | _____| | | | / | / | _______ / | ___|| |___\ / | \ | | | | /____| | | | / | | /___|mcl/___|2k2|_______/___| /___|___|___/_______|___|___|_______|_______\ @@@ @@@ @@/_____| @@@ + no fragments - archive two + @@@ @@@ @@@ @@ @@@ @@@ @@@IIIIIIIIII@@@ @@IIIIIIIIIII@@@IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII@@@ '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@' '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@' __________________________________________________________________________ _\ /_ _ _ - nO fRAGMENTS aRCHIVE tHREE: PARTYARCHIVE 93-01 - _ _ /________________________________________________________________________\ BETAVERSION V1.0, APRIL 2004 [ compiled by ] [ Lotek Style f.k.a. MC Laser / The Sirius Cybernetics Corporation ] lotekstyle@lotekstyle.de [ 2000 - 2004 ] __________________________________________________________________________ _\ /_ _ _ - fACTS - _ _ /________________________________________________________________________\ Dear atari demofreaks. You finally get the result of over 4 years of work. Well to tell the truth, it's also the result of over 14 years of demo-collecting. First I just collected demos... swapped demos with other freaks around the globe. In 1996 I started for the first time to backup all my stuff to a CD. This was a CD for internal use that I simply called "FRAGMENTS". I think you can imagine why. No? Because there where always demos missing. In the end I had 3 CD-ROM's entitled "FRAGMENTS 1,2,3". When I got my PC I started to copy all of the stuff to my HD and began to sort out all of the stuff... compils, demos, mags and so on. One of the results from this work is THIS CD-ROM. The content of THIS CD features partyreleases from 34 atari related events. They aren't archived so that you have direct access to them. Bugreports wanted! Yes, this is a "beta-version" of this CD. It was lying around for a while and it could have been released one or two years earlier. I'm quite sure that some of the disks might be damaged. Well I have lotsa other projects besides this one and I couldn't con- centrate fully on the demo archive. If you find damaged stuff please send me an e-mail. We will collect the bugreports and try to exchange the corrupted files. An update of this CD will appear then. pARTIES: o 1993 680XX Convention Fried Bits 1 o 1994 Fried Bits 2 o 1995 Aggressive party 2 Fried Bits 3 Gasp Nordic atari show'95 Quast'95 o 1996 Gigafun'96 Intercon Nordic atari show'96 Place 2 be 4 Quast'96 Symposium'96 o 1997 InterJam'97 Place 2 be 5 Quast'97 Siliconvention Volcanic party 3 o 1998 Alternative party'98 InterJam'98 Quast'98 Return to the Source'98 Volcanic party 4 o 1999 Error in line PreMilleniumParty (PMP) Return to the Source'99 o 2000 Alternative party 2000 ST News Internatioal Christmas Coding Convention 2000 Sillyventure 2000 Unconventional 2000 o 2001 Error in line 2 Paracon 3 Unconventional 2001 Note! This CD is freeware! Another nice term could be SWAPware ;) You are NOT allowed to SELL it! You are NOT allowed to INCLUDE it to some kind of DVD collection without permission from myself. If you do not follow these rules you will experience a massive campaign against you. We know how to treat LAMERS! Once again: T H I S I S F R E E W A R E ! __________________________________________________________________________ _\ /_ _ _ - gREETS - _ _ /________________________________________________________________________\ tscc greets following crews: (people we met or are/were in touch with) ABSENCE.DE ABSTRACT ADMIRABLES ADRENALINE ALIEN CRACKING FORMATION AGGRESSION ANIMAL MINE ARKHAM AURA AVENA CHECKPOINT CONFUSIONS CREAM CREATORS CRYSTALIC CYBERNETICS D-BUG DEAD HACKERS SOCIETY DELTA FORCE DEPRESSION DUNE EFFECT ELITE EPHIDRENA EQUINOX ESCAPE EVOLUTION EXCELLENCE IN ART FALCON USERS NETHERLANDS FARBRAUSCH FEDERATION AGAINST NATURE FOUNDATION TWO HEMOROIDS ICS IMAGINA INNER CIRCUIT EXPLORERS LAZER LINEOUT LOUD MJJ PRODUCTIONS MUG U.K. MYSTIC BYTES NATO NATURE NEW BEAT NEW CORE NEW POWER GENERATION NEW TREND NEXT OVERLANDERS OXYGENE PARANOIA PERSISTENCE OF VISION POSITIVITY PSYCHO HACKING FORCE PSYCHONOMIX PURE ENERGY RESERVOIR GODS RIPPED OFF SAGE SATANTRONIC SECTOR ONE SENTRY ST KNIGHTS STAX SYNERGY SUPREMACY TAQUART TEENAGE THE AVENGERS THE BLACK CATS THE BLUES BOYS THE CHAOS ENGINE THE COOLEST PARADISE THE EXCEPTIONS THE GERMS THE NAUGHTY BYTES THE SYNDICATE THE UNTOUCHABLES TIMEBOMB TORMENT TOYS VECTRONIX X-TROLL YESCREW ZEAL ZUUL ... . .. ..... : : ..... .. . :.: :.: .___. | |_______ | |\ __/.______ .______ | |_\__ | / |sK! / | _| |/ / | | |_ .tHE sIRIUS cYBERNET!CS cORP. _____\\|___|_______|_______|_______|//________________________________________ n O f R A G M E N T S b A C K C A T A L O G U E ______________________________________________________________________________ NO FRAGMENTS - ARCHIVE ONE [650 MB] ............................... ST DEMOS NO FRAGMENTS - ARCHIVE TWO [650 MB] ........................... COMPILATIONS NO FRAGMENTS - ARCHIVE THREE [700 MB] ................... PARTYARCHIVE 93-01 ______________________________________________________________________________ tscc.atari.org