____________ _ ______\\ //______ _ ________ ____ ....__\ __/_) |__.... : \ _____ __/ : '''''\_____( /______(mcl'' +Fading Twilight-Excerpt 12+ music from the atari scene! Demo: Jaguar Demo by: Pure Bollocks Sys: Falcon "Ambient Dub Corruption" by Metronome of Adrenalin aka Adrenalin Sound Machine aka Michael James Released on the "Jaguar Demo" by PB Productions on 04 Feb 1994. (Atari Falcon 030) Format: Noistracker module. Completed 26 Nov 1993. (c) 1993 Michael James. http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=28790 _ ______ _______ _ //___________\\