____________ _ ______\\ //______ _ ________ ____ ....__\ __/_) |__.... : \ _____ __/ : '''''\_____( /______(mcl'' +Fading Twilight-Excerpt 12+ music from the atari scene! source: Atari Karts released: Atari Corp. Miracle Designs composer: Fabrice Gillet (Arpegiator/Anarchy) format: mod [4ch] info: jaguar files: 14 Package downloaded from Jagu-Dome: Toons snatched for ya by Jagu-Dome & Jagu-Sounds http://jaguar.holyoak.com Special thanks to Miracle Designs for providing us with a great game in Atari Karts. Be sure to check out Merlin Racing on the Nuon! -Wes Powell http://www.mp3.com/Wes_Powell ------------------------------ Missing Bootup-tune ripped from Jaguar by Ray/.tSCc.! _ ______ _______ _ //___________\\