INTRODUCTION: Pinball Construction Set gives you complete control over the game of pinball. You can quickly and easily move parts around, change the scores and sounds for all the targets, create bonuses to shoot for, decide how heavy to make the ball and how fast and lively to make the game, even reshape and repaint the board and the parts. There are 5 complete, ready to play ideas about how to build good pinball games of your own. You build games by using a joystick controlled hand. You use it to drag parts from the parts box on to the board and to board and to point to and turn on the other powers at your command. BUILDING GAMES: The hand-which shows up in the upper left hand corner of the screen whenever you first turn your PCS on is one of the most powerful game changing and constructing tools under your PCS command. You control the hand with your joystick. Go ahead. Try it. Move the hand around the screen to get a feel for how to make it go where you want. Now move the hand over so that the index finger touches one of the pinball machine parts pictured just to the right of the empty game board one of the flippers maybe, in the top row, or one of the round bumpers in the third one. Next hold the button down on your joystick and while you're holding it down, "drag" the part out onto the board with your computer hand. When you want to let go, just release the button. If you change your mind about a part just drag it off the board and let go. When yre ready to put the ball in play, move your hand to the ball-and-flipper picture in the middle of the column on the far right the display and press the joystick button once (don't hold it down this time). Practice with your flippers and with moving back and forth between "play" and "contruct". LOADING AND PLAYING A DEMO GAME: The pictures the right hand column of the display are called icons. Move the hand down now till it touches the disk icon (it's on the bottom and press the joystick button. When the new display is in place, move the hand to the word LOAD and press the button again. type either DEMO1,2,3,4 or 5 (don't leave a space between DEMO and the number) and press Return. When the words INSERT YOUR GAME DISK appear, press RETURN again. Once the game has finished loading, put the hand on PLAY GAME, press the joystick button and play to your heart's content - or at least until your ready to load a different game or try out some of the other PCS commands. Then press SELECT and either repeat the loading steps or read on for more wonder still. CHOOSING COLORS: Activate the paintbrush (5th from the top) then move it down to one of the colors just beneath it and press the joystick button again. Now move the paintbrush into the black area in DEMO1 and press the button once more. Presto. Instant border color change and you can change the color in the other two green shapes just as easily. Simply move the paintbrush inside each of them and press the button again. If you try using the paintbrush to change the color of the two slingshots you'll discover that it doesn't work there. In fact, except for polygons (the parts on line 2 of the parts box), the paintbrush icon has no effect on readymade parts. But watch what happens if you drag one of the slingshots slowly across the board. See it alternate between two colors? Thanks to some oddness about high resolution graphics on your computer, you can choose between those two colors by deciding where to put the piece. And what if you want a third color for a ready made part? For that you need the power in the magnifier icon, described in the next section. PAINTING DETAILS Activate the magnifier icon (it's just below "play" one) and your hand will turn into a paintbrush. Now take the brush up, and using it like a hand, grab the small square in the upper left hand corner of the board and drag it around. Pull it across one of the bumpers near the top of the DEMO1 while watching the large square to the right of the board. The image in the square is 7 times the size of the one in the small square. And whatever you do to the image in the large square is immediately reflected in the image in the small one. Try it. First place the small square on top of one of the bumpers. (There are three ways to move the square around: drag it; move the paintbrush to where you'd like the square to be and press the joystick button; put the paintbrush on an edge or corner of the large square, then press the joystick button and hold it down.) Now place the paintbrush on one of the white rectangles in the large square and press the joystick button. Press it again to bring back the rectangle you just erased. Press it once more and this time hold it down and move the paintbrush around in the large square, erasing rectangles as you go. Now take the paintbrush down, use the joystick button to pick up a new color, go back into the large square and paint with the new color by holding down the joystick button as you move the paintbrush around. If you don't like your new design you can always drag the bumper off the board, erase the leftover paint smudge with the magnifier paintbrush, then drag a new bumper on in its place. (Use QUIT to get the parts box back. To learn how to take unusual advantage of paint "smudges", see Special Effects). Because the high resolution graphics in your computer are a bit strange you will often be surprised at first by what happens when you try to draw new designs and erase old ones. Just be patient and you can usually solve the problem to your satisfaction. Sometimes the grid(just the left of "quit") can be helpful. To turn it on, touch it with the paintbrush and press the joystick button. Do the same to turn it off. (the black and white symbol-for use when you don't have a color monitor-turns on and off in this same way.) The magnifier can also be used to paint in the area above the large square, to the right of the board-a-perfect place to use a fancy script to give your pinball games names. (It's like the real pinball machine-the part called the "back glass"-where the score kept.) For ideas about how to decorate your boards and created fancy back glass designs, study the other Demo games on your PCSdisk, especially the higher numbered ones. CREATING NEW SHAPES: One of the most powerful and spectacular PCS command sets makes use of the arrow, scissors and hammer icons near the top of the icon column, and the polygons. Use the hand to drag the square polygon onto the board.(you'll notice that only the corners of the square actually come out onto the playing surface.) Now get the regular paintbrush, pick up a color with it, place it in the center of the square and press the joystick button. Presto, a solid square. you can use the arrow, hammer and scissors to reshape your square into more interesting and useful forms. For instance, activate the arrow and then use it to drag one of the corners of your square to a new location. Don't like that shape? Drag another corner somewhere else.(you can also reshape your game border by dragging around the "corners" that show up in it when you activate the arrow. Don't be afraid of mistakes. You can always go back to the disk icon and reload the game.) Tired of working with a shape with 4 corners? Go get the scissors, touch them to a corner and press the joick button to create an instant triangle. Want more corners so you can make a shape with some curve to it? Go get the hammer,put it between two "corners" and press the joystick button. Repeat the process until you have enough "corners" to make the shape you're interested in. (For fast shaping, use the hammer to move "corners" as well as to add them.) There's really only one rule: don't overlap or twist shapes. Doing so makes the ball interact strangely with the shape and may interfere with the wiring tools described in the Setting Sound and Score Values section. Otherwise your imagination's your only limit. And remember, if things should get out of hand, not to worry. Just drag the mess off the board with the hand and start over with a new square. The straight vertical lines and jagged diagonal ones next to the square in the parts box are also polygons, just very skinny ones. Stretching one out to make something like the long ball chute on DEMO1 can be very tricky if you forget that the line is a polygon, easy if you remember. Sometimes it's easiest if you draw the line you want with the first corner you move. You can then move the second corner out to the side as if you were making a fatter shape, bring it up till it's level with its mate, and finally move it back till the line's back to its original width. SETTING GRAVITY, BOUNCE, KICK & SPEED: Activating the world icon (just below the magnifier) causes the parts box to be replaced with four gauges, each with its own marker. Using the hand to drag markers up and down decreases and increases the force or condition the scale represents. Try it. Move the gravity marker to the botton of its scale then select QUIT and go back and try out a ball. Too heavy, activate the world icon, decrease gravity a notch, then try again. Gravity determines how heavy a ball is; speed, how fast it moves; kick, how strong the bumpers are and elasticity how "bouncy" the sides, flippers and any shapes you've fashioned are. SETTING SOUND AND SCORE VALUES: The AND gate icon is located just above the disk icon. To a computer designer, an AND gate is an arrangement of swithces that will let electricity flow through only if all the switchs in the gate are on. In your PCS, the AND gate icon lets you hook targets together so that a bonus is awarded only after all the targets have been hit and turned on. It also lets you change the sound and score for each individual target, bumper, etc. on game board. Activate the AND gate icon with DEMO1 loaded. Move the hand out onto the new display, touch one of the bumpers and press the joystick button. The sound you hear (so par no. 1, as the white square in the note list shows) is made each timee ball hits the bumper. And, as the score list shows, each ball strike scores 10 points. To change either score or so nd just point to the value you want and press the joystick button. If you want no score and/or no sound, hold the joystick button down and slide the marker off the bottom of the list. To find out what the default values for the other targets are and to change them if you like, touch each in turn and press the joystick button. ("Default value" is a useful computer term which means "what the value is unless you do something to change it.) Bonuses are created by turning on AND gates with the hand and using the scrwdriver and pliers to connect and disconnect wires between targets and the AND gate symbols.(As many as three targets can be attached to each symbol.) Move the hand up now to the top AND gate symbol in DEMO1 and press the joystick button. The wiring diagram you now see on the display means "each time you turn on both of the bottom rollover targets, you get a bonus of 10,000 points". To change matters so you get the bonus just for turning on the left rollover, go get the pliers, touch them to the right target and press the joystick button. To reconnect the wire, go get the screwdriver, touch the right target and press the joystick button again. None of the other AND gate symbols in DEMO1 come wired to any targets. For some practice and a look at how bonus changes affect the scores you get, try wiring one or two of them and playing a little. When you wire targets to an AND gate, they visibly turn on when hit and stay on until their fellow targets are hit as well, or until the game ends. In a multi-player game, each player's bonus target status is kept separately, so no one gets to luck out by hitting the last target afte you had worked so hard to hit the first 2. And BonusX goes back to 1 at the end of every ball. (It never goes higher than 5 for every ball.) SAVING AND LOADING YOUR WORK: Activating the disk icon(on the bottom) gives you power to load and play the five Demo games that come on your PCS disk. It also lets you use one of your own disks to save games you're working on and games you've finished. And finally it lets you use a "Make Game" command to create game disks your friends or enemies can use even if they don't have a PCS disk. To load or save a game, activate the disk icon, point to the command you want and press the joystick button, use your keyboard to type in the game's name, then press Return. If you're loading a DEMO game, ignore the INSERT YOUR GAME DISK message and press Return again. Otherwise do as the message says first.(Note:Don't forget the blank disks must be initialized-by following the instructions that came with your drive) If you want to play the game you made, activate the "Play Game" command, reinsert the PCS disk when the prompt tells you to and press Return once more. If instead you want to work on the game, use Select to get the parts box back. Games saved with the "Save" command take up very little space on your disk-you can get more than 40 to a side. On the other hand, games saved with "Make Game" take up more then 10 times as much room because of the program instructions. That's the bulk of the instructions, enjoy playing this fantastic game.....PHIL 1/31/85