There are 3 modes of play: beginner, intermediate and expert. Beginner - cannot change stats for player. Player one is always red and player 2 (or computer) is blue. Use joystick to maneuver player icon until the two players touch. the screen then zooms in on the battlefield. To attack, press the fire button & move the joystick in the direction to fire. the weapon used is the one displayed in the upper left of that players status screen. After you use the weapon, the name will turn red. When it's ready again, it'll turn green. If any one of the Life, Food, Energy or rounds turns yellow, it means you're getting low on that supply. It turns red when you're really low. If you get attacked by a tank or a wandering creature, it is under the OTHER player's control. If the other player runs into one of the above, then YOU get control of the attacking thing. The winner is the last one alive or the first to beat 5 opponents (tanks or wandroids etc.) To display the options menu for your player, press the trigger twice without moving the stick. Use the stick to select the option you want to change & press the trigger. The options are: Attack -> displays weapons and skills for your player Map -> returns you to the field Device -> displays rounds, food etc. In the intermediate & tournament games it displays the devices available to your player Defense off -> turns off any defense weapon you had activated Special -> shows other options, mainly for tournament PRACTICE SELECTING OPTIONS, CUZ IT GETS PRETTY HARD IN HIGHER LEVELS!!! Intermediate - after you enter your player name, move to the vats with the stick and select your guy. Then wander over to the weapons area and select your weapons. Then head for the transmat booth to teleport to the battlefield. You have 1000 credits to buy weapons and skills. Once all players have teleported, one player picks the field, the other picks the competition type. Try to pick a field that will hinder your opponent, ie if he's a fish pick the desert etc. The competitions are: Destruction -> last guy alive or 1st to snuff 5 opponents Grab the flag -> you have to collect 8 flags IN ORDER. To get the flag #,you have to avoid or kill the guard protecting the flag. Once you get flag 1, then go for flag 2 etc. The winner is first to get all 8 or first to blow away the other guy before he can get his 8 flags. The horde -> a swarm of heavies appears at the top of the screen. Both players must co-operate to kill off the horde. If the horde makes it to the bottom, you both lose. The winner is the one to kill the most hordlings. The Tournament Game ----- You only get 500 credits to outfit your man. You earn credits by winning contests. You also need a pre-formatted disk to use as an owner disk. Besides the regular terrain and competition rules, you can also select rules like 'no rifle attacks' etc. Pick ones that will hinder your opponent. To cancel a rule your opponent chose, select the rule yourself You also pick the number of victories needed to win the tourney. The special menu (remember it???) can be used here to surrender if you're being whipped and there isn't a 'no surrender' rule. Your guy will lose the contest but not his life. If no surrender is in force, then you can beg for mercy (never you scum!!!) by selecting quit and pressing the trigger before the counter goes to 0. If the other player presses his trigger before his counter zeroes then the game starts again, as if you had not started the fight. To use the extra players in your stable go to the corral in the meadow. Get loads a player, Pen is save and Zap deletes a wounded guy you don't want any longer. To get rid of an owner, select the owner at the start of the tourney, then reject it when the prompt asks you if you accept or reject the owner. Player skills etc... Max for all supplies is 12 except life which can be as high as 250. You can only add 3 in 1 trip for the traits,30 for life. Armour -> how well he is naturally defended (tough skin etc.) Muscle -> how strong he is... Speed -> there are no slow winners... Mind -> idiots get blown away while trying to figure out how to reload... Life -> it ends soon enough... Special skills: Burrow - normal speed thru mountains Gills - normal speed in water Teleport - normal speed in all areas Long distance weapons: Spit & sting (projectiles) Web - chemical attack(freeze opponent) Psi-blast - reduce mind force of baddy the close range ones are: Breath (chemical) Electrotouch(energy) Claws & fangs(beastfu aids) The defenses are: anti-thump -> protect from physical attacks Anti-E -> ... against energy attacks Anti-Chem -> ........ chemical ..... Anti-proj -> defend against projectiles Anti-psi -> ............... psi attacks Natural aids: Hands & tentacles are needed for some weapons. Healing ensures a slow resupply of life. Photosynthesis ensures a slow energy resupply and to use certain devices (not a replacement for a energy pack). Weapons tips: Autorifle and boorang(comes back to ya) are lightweight. Needler and sword are cheap. Laspistol is good if you're rich. Bombs & missiles are heavy and suck the ammo. The E-Stealer sucks energy from your opponents E-pack. The Multilas(bunch of lasers) and the Mindsink(slows down the smart guys) require your guy to have tentacles. The sword and E-mace need hands. E-mace,flamer,sword and grav-gun are close range weapons. Sundries - buy ammo buy food if you're making physical attacks. Remeber to buy rounds and energy if your weapons need them and don't forget the E-pack to hold your energy. No player can have more than 1 defense. Use the aqualung to make up for no gills.The jet pack overcomes a no wings problem and the medi-kit for no healing powers.Star Java speeds you right up and Memory Rna speeds the brain up(both are temporary). You can sell weapons and device back to the store for 1/2 price credit.