Key controls key: Toggles between text and graphic display. Left arrow: Allows you to take back a move. CTRL-A: (PLAYING) Displays the menus for: NEW GAME, COFFEE HOUSE, PLAY LEVEL, EASY MODE, and WHO PLAYS. CTRL-B: (NEW GAME) Answer 'Y' to prompt. CTRL-C: (COFFEEHOUSE) When selected, the Chessmaster 2000 will play a more relaxed style of play, suitable for a casual, as opposed to tournament style. The moves will be more random - and perhaps easier. CTRL-D: (PLAY LEVEL) When selected this feature allows you to type in a new play level for either a more difficult game or an easier one. This enhanced version of Chessmaster 2000 has 19 levels of play. Levels are numbered 0 through 19 with 0 being the easiest. (See also NEWCOMER.) CTRL-E: (EASY MODE) By selecting this feature, you alternately turn on, or off, the Chessmaster 2000's ability to "think ahead" while it is your turn. When on, you will notice EASY MODE ON displayed under CURRENTLY. CTRL-F: (WHO PLAYS) Pressing this control key will switch play between 3 modes: YOU VS. CHESSMASTER PLAYER VS. PLAYER (The Chessmaster referees the game) CHESSMASTER VS. ITSELF CTRL-G: (DISPLAY) Under CHOICES Displays the menus for: THINKING, HINT, TEACHING and SOUND. CTRL-I: (SHOW THINKING) Select this to view the next move The Chessmaster 2000 is considering. As each best possibility is being analyzed, it will appear in The Chessmaster's move list, and will be finalized when the move is made. Book refers to The Chessmaster's consideration of selections from the opening library when it is applicable. Search level (SL) shows how deeply into the possibilities The Chessmaster 2000 is exploring at any given time. CTRL-J: (SHOW HINT) Gives you a hint for your next move. CTRL-K: (TEACHING) When a piece is selected to move, a mark appears on all squares to which that piece may legally move. CTRL-L: (SOUND) This feature turns on or off the sounds (except for illegal moves) The Chessmaster 2000 uses to notify you of any move and of Check, Checkmate, Stalemate, and Draw. CTRL-N: (CHESSBOARD) Displays the menus for: ROTATE BOARD, CHANGE DIMENSION, COLOR and BORDER. These selections are written to the disk so your choice will be permanent (until changed again). CTRL-O: (ROTATE BOARD) Select this to rotate the 2D display 180 degrees, or the 3D display 90 degrees. CTRL-P: (CHANGE DIMENSION) Select this to switch back and forth between a 2 and 3 dimensional graphic display of the chessboard. CTRL-Q: (COLOR) This selection switches between specially designed chess pieces for color or monochrome monitors. Select which piece-set is best for your system. CTRL-U: (BORDER) Select this to switch between an alpha numeric border on the 2D display (denoting the algebraic notations of the squares), or a plain border. Has no effect on 3D display. CTRL-R: (REPLAY GAME) Once a game is underway, completed, or has been LOADED from disk (See Control Y), it may be replayed from beginning to end, stopped at any point, and continued till checkmate. A special REPLAY menu appears on screen. You will first be asked REPLAY Y/N. After selecting Y, you may use the following key combinations: 12 CTRL-right arrow Start CTRL-left arrow Move back CTRL-R Start over CTRL-S Set speed CTRL-X Exit Any key Stop End CTRL-S: (SET-UP BOARD) This option allows you to set up the board in any fashion you like. You will be shown a list of all pieces and their usual positions. The following commands can be used to make changes. : (NEXT LINE) Select this to move the cursor to the next line (piece). CTRL-X: (EXIT SETUP) This returns you to the options screen. CTRL->: (EDIT LINE) This allows you to edit a line in any of three places: Color of piece Name of piece Position CTRL-D: (DELETE PIECE) This deletes the piece on which the cursor is resting. CTRL-N: (NORMAL SETUP) Erases any changes you have made and returns the set up to normal. CTRL-C: (CLEAR BOARD) Clears all pieces off the board so you can start from scratch, if you so desire. CTRL-T: (GAMES ON DISK) Displays the sub-menu for disk operations CTRL-V: (CATALOG) Use this for a list of games saved to disk. You will receive a CATALOG Y/N prompt. CTRL-W: (SAVE A GAME) This allows you to save a game to disk. You will get a SAVE A GAME Y/N prompt. Pressing Y will get a request to ENTER TITLE. CTRL-X: (DELETE A GAME) This lets you delete a game from disk storage. Again you will be prompted to be sure you really want to do this, then for the title to be deleted. CTRL-Y: (LOAD A GAME) Use this to load a game from disk. As before, you will receive a LOAD A GAME Y/N prompt, followed by a request for the title of the game to load. CTRL-Z: (EXTRAS) This displays the menu for the following features - CTRL-,: (MATE LEVEL) Select depth of a search for a mate solution (0-9 moves). CTRL-.: (SOLVE MATE) Will attempt to solve a mate from the current board position. No prompts this time. CTRL-/: (PRINT GAME) Selecting this will print the game currently in memory. You will be prompted to be sure the printer is turned on.