Alternate Reality The City of Xebec's Demise There are many establishments in the City. Inns: 7; Taverns: 14; Banks: 3; Shops: 15; Smithies: 4; Healers: 2; Guilds: 14. A blank formatted disk is required to store players on. For some reason, the game erases the player from disk when a player is loaded. Thus every time you save, it is a good idea to make a backup of your players. There can be up to four players stored on one disk side. [I]nitialize a disk prior to any saving of players. The backup need not be initialized. During the first few days, you're extremely vulnerable to foul play. The safest area of the city is near the Floating Gate. Of course, safety isn't your only consideration; there are benefits to discover in the more dangerous locales. But keep a low profile until you're familiar with the city. Avoid encounters with life forms that are obviously superior (don't tease a Wizard, for example!). Have enough sense to come in out of the rain! Bad creatures like the rain. It's also dangerous to be out during the night. Find an inn and check in before sundown. A good night's sleep does wonders for your Stamina and restores hit points. Stamina is useful in surviving the hardships (disease, poison, etc.); Charming an opponent requires charisma as tricking requires intelligence. Strength gives you an advantage in a fight. Skill helps you avoid blows. Wisdom is for making decisions... There are many Secret Doors and One-way walls in the city. A secret door looks like a wall, but you can walk right through it. One-way walls are invisible on one side; you can pass through the invisible side, but not the visible one. Inns offer lodging for a price. They're also time and date information centers. Taverns sell food and drink and offer entertainment. The menus change hourly. Often, the songs sung in a tavern give you important clues. Alcohol: if you're drunk, movement is hampered, manipulating screens is difficult, and you may even experience blackouts. Find and inn and sleep it off. Smithies can be heard from outside by the hammering of the anvil. New weapons purchased at a smithy are never cursed. But prices (and quality)vary greatly; bartering is essential. When buying a weapon, remember that each has unique characteristics. For example, a Longsword is a better offensive weapon than a regular sword; but the regular sword is a better defensive weapon. Menus change daily. Banks offer investment plans for your money. The higher the interest rates, the greater the risk. They sometimes offer money for gems and jewelry. Banks have regular hours; you can't do business in the middle of the night! Shops offer a variety of wares, usually ornamental. If you become wealthy, you may want to deck yourself out according to your station. Their menus also change daily. Healers charge a fee for services. There are some effects of disease or poison that don't show up right away, so don't wait! If you're wounded, ill, or poisoned, see a healer as soon as possible. Guilds are very particular about accepting new pledges, so don't expect to be welcomed as a member on your 1stvisit. However, even a first visit is rewarded with Character-enhancing knowledge. And, for a fee, any guild will help you get rid of a cursed weapon. (I heard that 8-bit Atari versions cannot join guilds...). Treasure takes many forms: jewelry, weapons, armor, potions, money, gems, and other special items. All treasure, except gold, silver, and copper is potentially magical or cursed. Pick something up to discover its aspects. Magical items are valuable; cursed items can be a source of despair. Gems and Jewelry are obtained after encounters or found in treasure. Take them to a Bank for appraisal and sell them. Appraisals vary from bank to bank. Weapons are necessary for survival. Even if you abhor violence, you need a weapon for self-defense. Some creatures in the city will attack you, no matter how nice you are, and bare hands are rarely useful. There are 3 ways to acquire weapons: 1. Finding them after encounters 2. Finding them after uncovering a treasure 3. Buying them from a smithy Always examine a weapon a few times before picking it up. Intelligence determines your ability to tell if a weapon is Magical or Mundane (plain).Once a cursed weapon is picked up, you can't drop it; you need help to get rid of it. Pick up any weapon you find as a secondary weapon. This way, if its cursed, you aren't stuck with it as a Primary weapon while you goto a guild for help. A shield should always be used as a secondary weapon. Potions can advance your character. Once you open a potion, examine it before using it. The potion deteriorates once the seal on the container is broken. Each sip or taste tells you a little more about the potion. Many potions are unstable and disappear during examination. To save a potion for later, don't open until you're ready to use it. Disease, untreated, causes death. Contracting a disease results in hit point and neurological damage in line with the severity of the infection. The results of a disease are often permanent. Find a Cleanse potion or seek a healer fast! Engaged means you must battle the life form or try to become disengaged. Sneak attack is available when you surprise a life form. Since the opponent is unaware of you, you have the advantage. Lunge is a two-handed blow that can land with great force. If this blow fails, you are virtually defenseless against retaliation. Attack is the standard fighting move which maintains a decent defense. Parry is an offensive move offering the highest defensive posture. Disengaged lets you deal with your opponent in a less violent manner. Trick an opponent if you're smart. You are not prepared for defense if the trick fails. Charm an opponent using charisma. Options on both menus: Ready an item if you have weapons. Use an item you have ready (change). Leave to get out of the encounter. Tailor your encounter strategy to fit your condition and the kind of life form confronting you. It's much easier to trick a warrior than a master thief. Don't expect to charm or trick mindless life forms; you'd look pretty silly trying to charm a patch of mold! Life Forms: The Poor are humanoids who have no ambition or have met with some catastrophe that has put them in dire straits. Commoners are individuals with no special skills or distinctions. Merchants are usually seen on their way to or from their business. They work hard and keep up the city's economy. Couriers deliver messages and often parcels. Guards are mostly employed by the nobility. They are the police. Gladiators are proven fighters of the Arena games. Noblemen are rich and powerful. They live in the palace and are fond of games in the Arena. When out in public, they're attended by their private guards. Dwarves are resistant to many poisons and magic spells, have excellent night vision, and are terrific close combat fighters. Mages, Wizards and other magical types are associated with guilds and other learning institutions. Beware of their enchantments. Thieves each have their own criminal specialties. Assassins are hired killers that strike swiftly without warning. Beware of their assorted weapons. Imps have long dagger-like poisonous tails and often carry potions. Night Stalker is the Legendary creature of the night, a very powerful beast that no one can be certain doesn't exist. Others are mostly evil, thus you must be constantly vigilant. It is highly recommended that you map the city. You will be glad you did once you find a healer or the smithy with the lowest prices. Also, the best bank offers the best rates with low risk. Some of these services are hidden with secret doors. With a map, these services could be found easily, since they occupy one full space. I used a sheet of graph paper with 1/8"squares on it. If you have any other questions, feel free to leave me a message somewhere.