SAVAGE ISLAND Hints and Strategems 1. Think you can keep the bear away by carrying enough items on your person that sweat, which is what attracts the bear, and which is counted as an item, is not accumulated due to the fact that it registers, "You're carrying too much." when the program attempts to add sweat to your inventory list? Maybe that will keep the bear away, but the hurricane won't end until you've settled with the bear in a more conventional manner. 2. Can't get the bear to leave you alone? Look at him, and think about how to (benevolently) change his condition. 3. Just can't figure out your difficulties with the bear? Find the right place to get some salt for him. Evaporation... 4. Troubles with the raft? It can be reconstructed providing you can beach it at the tidepool and have the knife. Just cut the vines holding it together and get new ones. 5. Need a command to help find the missing part of the machinery? Try, "Dig." - Logistics - Here is a particular type of problem at which Scott Adams excells - and Savage Island is the best example of this. You basically will be faced with several situations in which you need to move both yourself and certain items from one place to another, but this can pose quite a challenge depending on the item and its/your location. For instance, you may freely take both yourself and any articles into the volcano via the sliding ash, however, you may not return the same way. In addition, the only way you can get out of the cave (during 90% of the game) does not allow you to bring along the object needed to transport the other items out of the cave. What's a poor guy to do? Think! This is a move-sensitive game, and the sort of time wasting and dead-ending that a lack of thorough consideration of the situation can bring is exactly what will cause you to wind up starting over, having missed a time cue and not having noticed it till you saved the game and it was too late. - Random Elements and Saving the Game - Random events happen (a little too often here for my liking), such as being blown out to sea in the hurricane, having the bear follow you into a room, etc. The best idea is to save the game often so that when sudden catastrophe strikes, you're re rback to square one. Caution must be taken not to save a game after you have performed with questionable strategy, however, as this can cause you to have to start over to rectify your mistake. The rest of this document is a step by step solution to Savage Island, Part I. "Real Adventurers" will quickly abort this printing, but the pride and pain of solving it is yours to worry about. (Comments appear inside parentheses, also, both the noun and the verb portions of a command may be shortened to the first four characters of each) - * - Dig sand, With hands, Look Hole, Get Bottle E, Go tree, Get coconuts, D, W S, Go Volcano, Go Volcano (If a bear is present, go in and out of the cave till you lose him.) Drop coconuts, Drop bottle, Drop watch, Go lake, Swim (washes off sweat), Get bottle, Go cave, Empty bottle, E, Drop bottle, Go lake, Swim west, Go crevice, Jump, E, E (Save the game at this point.) Wait (Walk around E,W,E,W till you hear a crash, then return to the coconut trees) Get log, W, S, Go volcano, Get bottle, Go lake, Swim west, Drop log, Go crevice, Jump, E D, Get water, S, S, Go Volcano, Drop bottle, Go lake, Swim Get bottle, Go cave, Go crevice, Empty bottle, Go crevice, Get salt, Go crevice, Give salt (The bear is now harmless, the hurricane will stop. Save game) Get rum, E, Drop bottle, Go lake, Swim west, Get log, E, Swim, Get coconuts, Go cave, Get bones, E, Go lake, Drop log, Hold breath, Swim east, Swim north, Get Knife, Get block, Swim up, Get log, Swim west, Drop log, Go crevice, Jump, E D, Drop Coconuts, Drop bones, Drop bottle, Drop block S, Cut vines, Get vines, E, Get log, W D, Drop log, Drop knife, Drop vines, S S, Go volcano, Go lake, Swim west, Get log, E, Swim, U, Go lake, Swim west, Go crevice, Jump, E, S, Get log, N D, Make raft, Get bottle, Get knife, Get bones, Get block, Get coconuts, Go raft, Paddle (Keep paddling until a beach appears) Go beach, Go cave, Move stalactite, With coconuts, Go crevice N, W, Go field, Go field (this charges the block) Wait (You are waiting for a cannon shot to be heard) Go field, Go field, E, S, S, S, Go raft Paddle (until you see an atoll) Go atoll, Give rum, Get bandanna, Get note, Read note, Go raft Paddle (until you see the tidepool) Go tide, S, S, Go volcano, Go opening N, N, N, N, W, N (You should see a pile of bat guano here) Dig hole, With hands, Get wire W, D, Go crevice, N, E, S, Repair machinery, With wire N, W, S, E, Push Button, W, N, W, Say Free, Go field, Go field >SAY 123 >BREATHE DEEPLY >GO FIELD >BREATHE OUT >EAST >SOUTH >WEST TWICE >GO FIELD >LOOK HYDROPONICS >LOOK PLANTS >GET FLOWER >PUSH BUTTON >NORTH TWICE >HOLD BREATH (WAIT UNTIL THE NEANDERTHAL APPEARS. THEN,) >CRUSH FLOWER >DRAG NEANDERTHAL >EAST >DROP NEANDERTHAL >WEST >PUSH BUTTON >SAY FREE >WEAR BANDANNA >PUSH BUTTON >OPEN EYES >WEST >GET ME >LOOK ME >GET BANDANNA >DROP ME >PULL BANDANNA >SOUTH TWICE >BREATHE DEEPLY >GO FIELD >BREATHE OUT >EAST THREE >NORTH THREE >CLOSE EYES >GO FIELD >OPEN EYES >PUSH BUTTON >TO LEVER >TO TREADMILL >GO TREADMILL >HOLD RAIL >RUN >DROP RAIL >RUN >UNTIE THREAD >GET THREAD >TO THREAD >NORTH TWICE >GET WAFER >LOOK >DROP WAFER >SOUTH >EAST >PUSH BUTTON >DROP LOOP >GO LOOP >LOOK MACHINERY >GET DEVICE >PUSH BUTTON >LOOK DEVICE >GO HOLE >GET LOOP >WEST >SOUTH >GO FIELD >SOUTH THREE >WEST >NORTH >WEST >DROP LOOP >PUSH BUTTON >MOVE RED >GET BLOCK >GO FIELD >DROP BLOCK >GO FIELD >PUSH BUTTON >GO LOOP >MOVE BLUE >PUSH BUTTON